Monday, June 22, 2009

Olive Oil

The wee little brother and I went to see The Hangover yesterday.

He insisted on taking the free bus instead of driving. I, on the other hand, am a lazy bum and did not want to walk the three blocks to the stop in the 105 degree heat. He won and we walked to meet the bus. And I am so happy that we did because I got to witness this scintillating conversation amongst two teenage girls and two teenage boys.

Teenage Girl #1 to Teenage Girl #2: "I know how to make your hair grow faster. Don't wash your hair for three days and then wash it. And then don't wash your hair for three days and then wash it. And you keep doing that and your hair gets really long and thick and healthy really quick."

Teenage Girl #2 to Teenage Boy #1: "Why is your hair so greasy?"

Teenage Boy #1: "Because I put olive oil in it."

Teenage Boy #2: "Why do you put olive oil in your hair?"

Teenage Boy #1: "Because everyone does it."

Teenage Boy #2: "Why don't you just use baby oil?"

Teenage Boy #1: "Because baby oil isn't all natural."

Teenage Girl #1: "What's olive oil?"

And this is the future of our society

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