Saturday, December 31, 2005


I have spent the last two days babysitting the wee little niece and one of her friends.

I have done this by sitting on my sister's couch and playing the niece's gamecube non-stop for both those days.

My sister came home yesterday and my hands were curved in the shape of the controller and they hurt.

I think I have a problem. The first step is admitting it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


At the liquor store on the highway, you can get three bottles of champagne for a mere $10.99.


Monday, December 19, 2005


I am free for two whole weeks. No little kids saying my name eight billion times in a half hour period. No little kids refusing to do their work or take tests. I am free. And it's a good thing because Friday they were driving my up a wall. And I was about ten seconds from losing it when a little pre-k boy came up to me and said "Ms. Nudeplatypus, I love you."

He was just the cutest little thing.

Still, I shall relish my two weeks of freedom.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Eve

My sister told me that she has planned a family Christmas Eve. This family gathering includes the entire family.

We haven't done such a gathering since my grandmother passed away a decade ago. And there is a good reason for that.

My family is batshit crazy. And not good batshit crazy. They are bad batshit crazy.

And my sister is apparently smoking the crack if she thinks this gathering will be fun.

Monday, December 05, 2005


I did not want to get out of bed. But then I remembered that I had promised to sub for one of the high school teachers first hour. So, I drug myself out of bed and made it to the school. I did not make anyone cry, it was a pretty good day.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


I got a haircut today and the lady who cut my hair gave me the best scalp massage while she was washing my hair.

I practically fell asleep in the chair.

It was more than worth the forty bucks I paid.