Monday, May 12, 2008

Puppets and Amazon Feuds

I finally managed to go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall and what I left the theater with was the revelation that I would totally pay to watch a Dracula play done with puppets.

Today, I have spent way too much time reading message boards and blogs about the Deborah Anne MacGillivray/Reba Belle feud on Amazon.

Apparently MacGillivray is a romance author who is having reviews of her novels with three or less stars removed. Reba Belle has been banned from Amazon for making a big to do about this.

I just stumbled upon this and have been reading blogs about it and the such and it is completely and utterly insane because it veers in so many directions.

There's sabotage and subterfuge and sick authors who may or may not have been taken advantage of.

It's magical.

However, kids have shown up in my room and I guess I should try to teach them something as that's why they're paying me.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Peaceful Peeing

I work in an elementary school. Often, I don't feel like or have the time to walk all the way to the teachers' lounge to use the bathroom. So, I end up using the bathroom the kids use.

Elementary kids are not shy about talking in the bathroom. I don't think that I've managed to pee in peace in this building since I started working here.

But today was track and field day at the school. As I don't have an actual class to corral I meandered back and forth. It's nice and peaceful in the school building and I got to pee without someone asking "who's in there?" or "whatcha doing."

It's been a good day.