Sunday, June 03, 2007

I Love Those Pre-Kers

School is finally out. If I stay with teaching, I will be moving to middle school.

This last year, I've spent a lot of time in a Pre-K classroom working with a little girl with Downs. I could never be in a Pre-K classroom all day long. That takes a special kind of person and I'm not nearly that special.

One great thing about kids that young is that they are free with "I love you" and they compliment you all the time.

And if one compliments you then they all want to.

Case in point:

A couple of weeks ago, I was wearing a really cute pair of shoes and one of the boys said, "oh Miss Platypus, I love your shoes."

I replied, "thank you honey, that's very sweet."

And then the compliment avalanche began with "I love your shoes" and "I love your shirt" and even "I love your pants." However, one little boy managed to stop the compliments with "I love your shoes and your pants and your shirt and your FACE...oh, and your glasses."

I doubt I'll be handing out many "thank you honey, that's very sweet" comments to middle school kids.

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