Saturday, January 14, 2006


Wild, grass fires raged in my part of the world. No one I know lost their house. Although, one of the third graders in my reading group came awfully close to losing their house. The fire line was within a foot of the side of their house and the siding on that side is all melted away. But the house is still there.

The fire also came awfully close (within a few yards) to the seventh grade teacher's house. She was out from school on Friday dealing with the insurance company and the awful smoke smell in her house.

I, lucky individual that I am, got to substitute for her. Her class has a handful of obnoxiouskids in it. I didn't have a lot of fun.

And at one point, they were talking about the fire and the suspicion that it was arson.

Two girls in the class turned to me, perfectly seriously, and asked me, "Who's arson?"

I fear for the future.

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